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sorry........  its a word i've used frequently in the past 2 days. the word sorry will be with me for a long long time. i have caused alot of pain and trouble for many people, i have broken the hearts of my family, friends and all who truly care about me. im sorry.  i want to apologise once again to justin, he's family, he's recording lable and to justin fans. im sorry.

for the mistakes that i've done, for all the wrongs that i've done, i will take full responsibility, whatever it may be ,i will accept. i cant ask for forgiveness from anybody....... as i still dont know whether i myself can forgive myself.


garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(478) 人氣()

Hello  guys ! how have you been ? 

I'm  interested in shiny watch!!!!!!This brand my dude poki  introduce to me, you will see it later in Taiwan too!

ooooh.. by the way this watch also appears in the concert at HK  can you find it ? hahaha

HK演唱會 HK演唱會

I just saw it on a billboard on my way to the airport!

This watch is called CHOUETTE(meaning "owl"& "love" in French)

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()


i would like to say soli soli soli to those who are worried about me. im ok!

just afew stitches to my right  hand. which i got from an ACCIDENT during my birthday party....

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(106) 人氣()




garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(14) 人氣()


good day.....hahah i just watched the new movie " the hangover " the movie brought back alot of memories...some crazy times i had...the stupid stuff that i did, its so funny.

my birthday is coming soon, so i've been thinking.....maybe its time to do something wild and crazy!!!  hahah i remember the times i was in new zealand...drinking with my friends...gosh it seemed like it was just lastweek!

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(27) 人氣()

MUSIC SAVED ME 音樂救了我.jpg

have you watched the new  掌文 mv? im trying to write an ending to the story....

have you any ideas on how it should end? i have a great ending in mind, but i would love to hear what you think the ending should be. i hope you all liked the 20secs commercial...hahah i thought of the slogan...

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(36) 人氣()

magic moment (3).JPG

one of my best friend's mother passed away 2 days ago.

i had the honour to meet he's mom afew years ago, though i didnt know her well but she was a nurse and a very kind hearted person. but one thing that i know for sure is that she raised a kind, smart, talented and caring son. her son...... who saved me from taking my own life few years ago while i was going through one of the hardest time of my life.

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(33) 人氣()


loneliness gives you courage to love. it sounds weird doesnt it?

there are many things and moments in life which are unavoidable, what is happiness without sadness? what is pain without pleasure? what is fear without courage?

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(32) 人氣()

hello ladies and gentleman.....

 how has 2009 been for you? i just finished writing another song....  i still feel like i can kick in afew more before the chinese new year...  you might like it, you might not... but i hope its another useful song by me. to singapore friends.... thank you for the wonderful new years eve... i had so much fun even if i wasnt even drunk!!! ( hmm...........)  for those who are worried about my new album... DONT BE... its done... i just need some touching up here and there... maybe add another new song. this album is either gonna be a kick ass album or its gonna be  the album that kicks my ass!! hahahah with you all supporting me i dont think i'll get kicked in the ass....( hope not). through out this year i will be less and less on tv and newspaper i think... but i promise to increase my live performances where we get more up close and personal experiences.  thank you once again for accepting who i am, me being me.  hahah ( a jerk) hahahah as each day goes by, i will learn more about myself and you, you will learn more about me and about yourself...  we can grow together... tho i will try to look young forever for you guys!!! hahah lotions and cream everynite... spa treatment hahah joking la...  its a natural thing to grow old,  there is a beauty in growing old...( yeah rite)  I DONT WANT TO LOOK OLD!!! but i do want to feel maturer as you all know that i act like a little boy sometime......  the moodswings...temper... etc....  well if you dont like me....................  then....... think hard and then find a way to like me!!! hahahah  sorry for the bad joke.....  and im not even drunk yet... i didnt even drink!  some tips botox do work on some people..... hee hee to my older friends out there.........


love and peace



garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(51) 人氣()

today is the 26th of dec 2008............................

i spent christmas eve and christmas day at home, wish you guys had a great year and hope that the coming year will be another fun and exciting year. just afew more days then its 2009.... gosh im still perfecting my new album right now, i want the next album to be remembered as the year gary grew up and became a real man... hahaha many things have changed and no doubt many more changes will come in the future... i am looking forward to many more years of sharing my music, my thoughts, ideas and strength.  as we all know that 2009 is going to be a real tough year for everyone, but i do believe if we hang on and help eachother out we can all get through it. ... winners never quit, quitters never win....i will be glad  to spend more time on this blog to share our happiness or sadness. 2009.................  its a year of courage, love, peace and sharing....  lets share our way through 2009.

PEACE ..........



garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(33) 人氣()

i never doubted your support and love. i want to thank all the media and friends for your blessings. a true friend would accept me for who i am. nothing more , nothing less. the positive messages from you all are important to me, means alot to me. just wanted to make sure you all know that. and for all my gay friends and fans, thank you for believing in me.


love n peace



garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(187) 人氣()







garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(144) 人氣()

good morning, good afternoon and good evening ladies and gentlemen.........  how have you all been? im back at my mom's place and just chiilin for awhile, the sun in kl is so so hot...  i will be back very soon just need sometime with my family. moodswinging like crazy for the past few weeks.....  fun though... thats how people grow i reckon. im obsessed with the sound of laughter lately, i have no idea why, maybe becos the sound of laughter is the true univarsal language, no matter what color , age, sex, looks... etc.....  everyone understands the " sound " of laughter!!! wahahahaha  its nice to hear true laughters. im going for dinner tonight with a friend, catch up on things... tell a story of ups and downs  maybe have acouple of tequilla shots... hahah  listen.... listen to thier stories how they've been lately, hows life and hows the family..... so many things so many questions and answers...  im sure i'll share my laughter tonite. 
oh yea baby.....  working on my new album....  sounds good so far...  hahah maybe i'll throw a song onto my blog and see if anyone can come up with the perfect lyrics for it!!!!  that'll be cool if i can discover a new lyricist on my blog!

i wanna thank all who stood by me thru the ups and downs lately. i have your blessings. i will be strong, hell i am strong. thank you for discovering me and thank you for sharing with me. love and peace + " the sound of laughter" !!! thats my new thing!!!!!  love and peace... WAHAAHAHAHAHAHA !

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(101) 人氣()

To my beloved friends

I am speechless. 
I truly cant understand and why some people would consider me a bad person who discriminates homosexuals. 
I have so so so many gay friends how could I not love them? 
Please don’t  twist my words. 

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(441) 人氣()

hey hey hey.........  whats happening my friends?  so congrats to you all once again. your dear gary is once nominated again.  whether i get it or not isnt the big issue..... its the hardwork and the fun we have during the process of making the album.  i hope you guys enjoyed the album as much as i enjoyed making it. hahah  but let me share alittle secret with you guys... i will release some more new songs soon....  i just cant seem to stop writing and producing new stuff. 

as you all know.... our earth is falling apart piece by piece...  no one can help us but ourselves. i was saved by so many people and i really wanna do something to make even the slightest change to some people. i want to make our earth better. the earth is sick... and we caused this.... so its time we all join up and heal her.  i will be doing more to give back to the people who are in need. i truly hope that no matter where and when im at, please come join hands with me and make a diffrence. for those in malaysia...please join me in sungei wang on the 31st at 3pm.    ask yourself this.................... when was the last time you asked for help and when was the last time you helped others....

 love and peace...............

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(59) 人氣()

these are the places where i will hold my concerts. i just want to remind all my supporters that . CONCERT, isn;t my dream. but our dream. i need you and you need me to make this dream come true. i dont have much to ask for , ,,,you have given me so so much already. so this concert is dedicated to you!  i hope by doing these concerts i can truly thank you all for the past few years. i will sing my heart out for you!!!!   honestly i am abit nervous...... heheheh my very first real big concerts.........  , i welcome you to my world!!!!!!

yours truly

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(151) 人氣()

all of a sudden i feel an emptiness in my heart, feels like its raining in my heart.  i guess its just one of those days when gary gets moody... i just pray that on sunday  i wake up with a great  mood....  hmm... im starting to ask myself, where am i going to be in 5 yrs time.....  then i realised, i still dont have an answer to that question. all i know is if i work hard and be true to myself.... i think i will live a long healthy life.but then again..... what is living?  have a job, earn money, buy a car, buy a house, fall in love, get married, have some kids, grow old, then die. ? is that living? i wouldnt have a clue.  do you?

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(117) 人氣()

well............ its been so long since i left a message. i just wanna say that im so happy that we've stucked together throughout the years regardless of the damn news surrounding us. good news , bad news.... it didnt change us...did it? hahaha not for me! 

i have learnt alot through the past few months and im sure you understand me more than ever before now. i have opened up alot and im happy that you have accepted my good and bad habits. i thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

everytime i get alittle spare time....i drink and write...and lately i have writtten a couple of good songs. expression through music is the best way i know how. things will change for the better... i have faith in myself, you and the world. tho there are many obstacles in our way but im sure there are alot of people behind and supporting me. 

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(176) 人氣()

Is my mandarin that bad? How come so many people seem to misunderstand what I've been saying lately on the news? And who have I offended? So I am here today to express my thoughts.  " it is true that xin guang da dao along with aska yang and xiao jin teng made my song  bei pan very very very popular  and I am happy that my music compositions are getting noticed even more now because of the show. in life i know in order to become a successful person I need to work real hard, need a lot of support and luck, and im very glad that I've been having lots of luck and support throughout the years.. With luck and support plus my hard work of course to earn what I have earned today. And no doubt that xing guang da dao and aska yang and xiao has a role in that success. I just wanted to remind people that I gary chaw has also worked really hard for the past few years to get where I am today in asia , people seemed to have forgotten that due to the huge success of the show. its as simple as that!

Aska yang and xiao jin teng is no doubt my top 2 favorite new comers in the scene. They both sing with so much soul and both have fantastic voices and both have good tastes in music! ( cos they both bought my cd)  Haha ha  I heard they both like my music very much! Haha I have tried writing songs for the both of them, though im not sure whether they'll use it, but I would be glad to work with them as I feel that the three of us are somehow quite alike. They remind me of myself when I first came out in 2006 with superwoman. Hahah I was shy, didn't talk well, wasn't exactly " handsome and goodlooking" but hell how I surprised so many people with my vocals. Come to think of it, we are so alike!!! And I truly wish that in the future we can work together again and sing our hearts out like the night in july on xing guang da dao finals.  I heard we smashed the ratings that night! I know you guys were happy cause so many people get to hear your dear gary sing on live tv! haha


garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(367) 人氣()

wooohooo... happy birthday to justin!!! thanks for the champagne and thanks for sharing everything man! oh for those who dont know who justin is.... well let me tell you! he is a person who sings with his heart and a real cool guy... also a cancerian like me! hahaha my birthday is coming up and i think im just gonna stay home and drink . music is cool, music is fun, singing is living , living is singing, i like people who sings thru thier hearts not thier mouths. peace and love to all. i must get ready now i got work !!! hee hee hee by the way, i think i'll be in tw for one day on the 6th. going on a singing competition show. hope to see you all there. remind those around you that you care and love them.

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(751) 人氣()