Aska yang and xiao jin teng is no doubt my top 2 favorite new comers in the scene. They both sing with so much soul and both have fantastic voices and both have good tastes in music! ( cos they both bought my cd) Haha ha I heard they both like my music very much! Haha I have tried writing songs for the both of them, though im not sure whether they'll use it, but I would be glad to work with them as I feel that the three of us are somehow quite alike. They remind me of myself when I first came out in 2006 with superwoman. Hahah I was shy, didn't talk well, wasn't exactly " handsome and goodlooking" but hell how I surprised so many people with my vocals. Come to think of it, we are so alike!!! And I truly wish that in the future we can work together again and sing our hearts out like the night in july on xing guang da dao finals. I heard we smashed the ratings that night! I know you guys were happy cause so many people get to hear your dear gary sing on live tv! haha
I've been saying all the time about spreading love and peace, using music to spread love and peace, using music to change a persons live. Well it seems a great tv show plus good music plus great vocals…… it can change lives. It has……….
Some say its hard to be a celebrity, gossips, misunderstandings, arguments,, depression, drugs, alcohol etc………. hahah I've heard many gossips before and a lot of misunderstandings in this business, and I guess there will always be.
Afterall what is show business without gossips?! As long as we know where we stand in all of it then I guess we're cool.
Ps…… does anybody mind translating this for me?!?!?!?! Hmm..hmm…?
是不是我的中文真的那麼差,讓許多人誤會我在新聞上說的話,還是我得罪了誰?! 今天我想分享一下我真實的想法。不可否認的,今天星光大道,還有楊宗緯、蕭敬騰,的確將背叛打得非常非常非常的紅,同時也很高興,因為這個節目讓我的音樂受到更多的矚目,不僅是歌聲而已,更多的是我的創作。在生命中,我知道如果要成為一個成功的人,首先需要很多很多人的支持與幫助,再來自己要很努力,還要有很不錯的運氣;而最開心的是在2007年,這三樣都出現了,我一直很努力、也有許多歌迷朋友從第一張開始到現在一直支持、運氣也好的是因為有星光大道、楊宗緯、蕭敬騰唱了我的歌所造成的風潮。因為這三者的加乘,在我僅有的一些些成就裡給了很大幫助;可我想稍稍的提醒大家,GARY曹格本來就是很用功的人,在這幾年一直很努力才有現在的我,現在大家似乎因為這個節目而忽略了;我真的很想提醒大家,我很努力往上爬,並沒有偷懶。可是媒體似乎複雜些,就那麼簡單!!