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whats happening people?!!? everybody doing alright? my new place in h.k is great, the company found a great place for me to stay, i have a huge swimming pool and spa and gym and all! haha and today i finally got the internet working. dont worry about me, im doing just fine. also im actually quite busy writting for other singers and producing for them, i dont even have enough time for my own album, but i promise you all!!!! the new album is going to KICK ASS!!! ahahha excited about it, just need more time to myself at this moment. so, hope to see you guys soon, and i wish you all love and peace..

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(255) 人氣()

im recorded my cantonese songs just afew hours ago...and i thought i sounded alot like andy lau and leslie cheung!!! hahaha is that a good thing or bad?!.... i dont sound like gary chaw anymore when i sing in cantonese...so scary, i was angry frustrated and also confused..... but at the end, i finshed recording it. and i really hope you all feel it. oh yeah! in 1 months time exactly one month from now, its my BIRTHDAY!!! hahahah july 9th! oh god i feel so so so so old!!! turning 20!!! hehehehehe i dont know whether i'll be in hk or malaysia.... but hopefullly i'll always be in your heart! wahahahah sorry i drank 2 bottles of wine just now.... ( small bottles la) hahah but im happy...i think.........................................

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(316) 人氣()

by now im sure many of you know about my dearest cat " ling ling " .. well i just realised and also re confirmed.... that ling ling aint a female!!!!! ling ling is a " boy "!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! i always treat her,, i mean him as a princess!!! but today i really found out that he is definately a BOY!! oh gosh!!! i dont even know whether i should cry or laugh!! but one thing i know, is that i will love him the same!!! my handsome " ling ling "..... but damn!!!! what a surprise huh?!! i swear this is no joke ok!!!!! ling ling has been pissing all around the house, and i thought it was weird, then i finally realised that becos hes in heat and as a male, they leave piss to mark their space...... that explains why he pissed and shit on my bed !!!!

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(295) 人氣()

first of june was the day i osted " timeto stop " as many should realise, hahaha it was a joke. i thought i would be good to make a joke and be alittlenaughty then usual for 1st of june was "childrens day " and i thought i should remind all of you about the importance of this day. and by making a joke like that i think most of you will remember the day gary chaw quit! and that was the day i made the joke and its also childrens day!! remeber 1st of june is " CHILDRENS DAY " it is important to teach the younger generations, regardless of your nationality, age and appearance, the childrens of the world are our future. start early, share the right thoughts and attitudes. where would it be effective to start spreading l;ove and peace other than with the children! start young ! hahaah also im quite happy to see the messages you all left for me. i know im very very lucky to have you. oh ya!!! 9th of july is my birthday!!!! heheheheeheh

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(157) 人氣()


garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(570) 人氣()

HA HA HA......

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(308) 人氣()

be aware.......... gary chaw is on the loose... he might show up behind you!!! hahahah im planning afew surprises here and there, and i will be going around towns, just relaxing and just to have a cup of coffee. maybe i will be the person sitting next to you. ahhahaha anyways i just wanna say im so happy today because i ahve spread more peace and love to more people today and i am thankful that i can be a help to some people. i want to thank you all for giving me this beautiful life. and on the coming album, which i have started working on, maybe you want to give me a suggestions on the album title!!! any ideas? i'll be glad to use it. haahaha by the way ..................................

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(247) 人氣()

well.. i have just finished my last stop in china, i want to thank everyone for the support and also thanks to rock china for the efforts and time. heheh i will be partying this week in taipei! i am going to play like a crazy man! hahahah its great to gather with all my old friends and have afew drinks. the time is this week because after this week, i will start my 3rd album. and i will focus on it hope i can expand my thoughts and expand peace and love. ok so.... im thinking of giving surprises to alot people these coming months, so dont be surprised if i show up infront of your face! hahahah time to have alittle fun! be aware....cos gary chaw might just be behind you...... hehehheehh i will be back and i will get to kiss my girlfriend lingling and hold her!!! gosh i miss her.... wooooohhaaaaa yes! you guessed right! i am drinking wine at the moment and i am just alittle tipsy...i thank you all so so much for giving me a beautiful life. thank you.

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(92) 人氣()

i wonder if i keep drinking like this... would i eventually end up as an alcoholic? but then again, i enjoy drinking. everytime im alone in the hotel room, no matter where and which city im at, my best friend tends to be a bottle of red. i think im starting to feel the lonliness creeping in on me! being on the road all the time really takes alot out of me. my mind says i can do it, but my body and voice says....slow down man! i need to remind myself constantly .....slow down mean! when will my time be up? hahah i guess its just one of my mood swing day today. i do feel alittle depressed and sad. seems like the weather has an effect on my mood, and i always thought i was a strong person. i have to be weak in order to become stronger..... i will be stronger tomorrow, but for today, just let me be a human being, complain complain and more complaints... wanting more and more and more, what do i want? i have everything. i have everything.

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(183) 人氣()

SHANGHAI... what a beautiful place. such a busy place, hahah im all alone in my big ass hotel room resting and relaxing before the fashion show tonight. sometimes its weird, i never thought i would be invited to fashion shows, its my 2nd appearance in a fshion show tho im just singing but its still weird to stand and hang around damn tall girls!!! so freakin tall. will be in shanghai for a few days before flying off again. i think im gonna take 5 days off of work end of the month and go somewhere quiet and sunny.
anyone in shanghai at the moment?? take me out for a drink in this beautiful city!!! anyone??? i dont want to be stuck in my room!

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(155) 人氣()

happy birthday joanne.... hahahah its great to be back, playing with ling and also seeing you all again. but there are still many places where i need to go. its a good thing for us. spreading love and music at the same time! i saw a really sad news today on cnn when i woke up. kinllings in schools again. that is another reason why we should all put our diffrences aside and start helping eachother! gfc or no gfc. i just hope you have peace and love in your mind. tho it would be a great thing to have a big group of people supporting the same cause and purpose but still we have to respect the gfc singapore and malaysia group. tho i wished it would be a great big group but i guess it cant be forced. things like this needs to be done by will and respect of eachother. anyways..... i wrote a brand new song yesterday for my next album! hahahahah

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(176) 人氣()

i would like to say CONGRATS!!!! to everyone who helped and support gary chaw throughout the years... i was honoured to recieve the best new artiste of the year award last night in beijing " china grammy awards " this will probably be the last new artiste award for me. but i am so greatful for this award, and i want to share it with all of you simply because you make a big part of gary chaw. because you are a part of me. thank you and congrats to you. i hope in the future we can share more and more of precious moments together, hmm....... now im thinking...... do we stand a chance at the golden melody awards in taipei???? peace and love

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(268) 人氣()

for those who came to the airport in taipei the other day!! thanks you really surprised me, april fool huh! anyways im currently in kl, renewed my passport so i can keep on flying, yeah?! been very very busy brain storming, you know like, thunders and rain then winds and tornadoes, all happening in my head. time to do and not say. i have a "GFC malaysia" birthday party tomorrow, hahah one year old! hope we all have fun this wont be about a singer attending this party, this is a GATHERING of people who believes in love and peace. and of course la, i am a member! ahhaah gosh i think i had too many glasses of wine..... gatta chill now, see ya soon..... miaow!!!!!!!!!!!

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(281) 人氣()

the truth about being a celebrity is...... act as if you are STAR walk as if you are a STAR talk as if you are a STAR and etc.... but are you really a STAr? hahah notice the little r in " STAr " nobody can ever be a full STAR everyone has feelings and emotions. yes even bruce lee.! have you heard about ANDY LAU's news? any comments? i honestly think that im on andy laus side. even if i dont know the whole story, becos i truly believe it aint easy being ANDY LAU! and whatever it is, andy lau or not..............remember andy lau is human... like you and i. everybody should be responsible for their own life, responsible for the lives of those they love. DONT BLAME ! dont do something and leave the shit to others!

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(232) 人氣()

3 more days before going back to taipei, i miss my ling ling. i must admit that i am abit tired of the flights and full schedule. well i am only human right?! its ok to get tired as long as im making progress. anyone has any good suggestions on how to get rid of black eye? black eye from sleepless nights? anyone? i feel like there are a million things i have to arrange back in taipei, so many songs to write and so many things to clean up. and so so so many things to tell ling ling............. damn i miss ling ling. wish she could be with me right now. there are so many places which i wanna go, but the schedule just dont allow the time to, but anyways, i will come back on a free schedule then i can really see beijing and the rest of china. i've met alot of friends from the radio stations and also vj and producers.. learnt alot too.

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(151) 人氣()

在電台聽到給我的壞評語, 我覺得

工作完畢后, 在回去酒店的途中,聽到廣播, 電台的DJ播了我的姑娘,與SUPERMAN.

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(231) 人氣()

im in wu han, china. on my way back to the hotel after work, i heard on the radio , the dj played gu niang and superman, then she said about me. she said " gary should stay in the recording studio and not sing live, because when he sings live theres no feel and power in hes voice, so its better to listen to gary through cd not live. also he dresses like a white prince white suite and all but he looks like a fat version of stephan chou, not a prince " when i heard this being said about me over the radio, i had a very special feeling. i felt that i was especially lucky to have all of my supporters, i am human like everybody else, i get hurt too when bad things are said about me. BUT! that is the whole point of my music...which is freedom of speach, be true to yourself and be true to others. when someone likes you, there must be someone wlse who dislike you. fair thing. so when i heard what the dj said about me... the first thing that crossed my mind was " im so lucky to have my true fans and friends " thank god ! " heheheeheheh anyways....i think stephan chou is really good looking!!! hahahahahhah thank you for giving me the courage to be who i really am and giving me the courage to face whatever that comes in life. peace and love from your one and only.............. gary chaw

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(220) 人氣()

you know how i say that im a lucky person? im always lucky enough to have real good people around me who really cares about me. i got lucky again just afew days ago. now i know myself better and i know what has been screwing with my mind. NOW... i know what i want to do and i know who i really am. i want all the love and peace within me to be shared all around the world!!!! from today onwards...i declare..." I LIVE FOR LOVE AND PEACE " " I AM A MAN OF PEACE AND LOVE " " GARY CHAW = LOVE AND PEACE " I AM ON A MISSION WHICH WILL HAVE ALOT OF PEOPLE LAUGHING ABOUT. PEOPLE WILL DOUBT ME, BUT UNCERTAINTIES WILL ONLY MAKE ME STRONGER, DISCOURAGEMENTS WILL ONLY GIVE ME MORE COURAGE, ANGER WILL NEVER DEFEAT THE INNER PEACE OF ME, YOU SPREAD LOVE, I SPREAD PEACE, YOU SPREAD PEACE, I SPREAD LOVE...... FOR LOVE AND FOR PEACE.............

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(201) 人氣()

im back in taipei... relaxing at home after writting a new song. im enjoying a bottle of red wine and jamie cullums album. im reADING THE MESSAGES WRITTEN FOR ME ON THIS BLOG. Im thinking.... im wondering.... im wishing and im hoping...but most of all im living. im sharing my life with you.... will you treasure and remember? a new melody in my head, a fresh start is ahead. wish me luck on this new song that was so much inspired by you all! the times we spent, the laughetr and tears we shared. the songs we sang, the fotos we took, the encouragements you gave. peace to you and peace to me...

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(399) 人氣()

end of the malaysia tour for the superman album. tired? yes.... happy ? yes.... but somehow i have this weird feeling within me. some sort of sadness.... maybe its because i drqank too much lastnite or maybe its just one of my mood swings...whatever it is, it aint good. i had a great time being back to sabah and kuching and penang and melaka then seremban and kl....i wanna say many thanks to so many people, i wished i'll be remembered well, atleast for afew months..... thank you to all my supportes and gfc. peace........

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(45) 人氣()