
hello ladies and gentleman.....

 how has 2009 been for you? i just finished writing another song....  i still feel like i can kick in afew more before the chinese new year...  you might like it, you might not... but i hope its another useful song by me. to singapore friends.... thank you for the wonderful new years eve... i had so much fun even if i wasnt even drunk!!! ( hmm...........)  for those who are worried about my new album... DONT BE... its done... i just need some touching up here and there... maybe add another new song. this album is either gonna be a kick ass album or its gonna be  the album that kicks my ass!! hahahah with you all supporting me i dont think i'll get kicked in the ass....( hope not). through out this year i will be less and less on tv and newspaper i think... but i promise to increase my live performances where we get more up close and personal experiences.  thank you once again for accepting who i am, me being me.  hahah ( a jerk) hahahah as each day goes by, i will learn more about myself and you, you will learn more about me and about yourself...  we can grow together... tho i will try to look young forever for you guys!!! hahah lotions and cream everynite... spa treatment hahah joking la...  its a natural thing to grow old,  there is a beauty in growing old...( yeah rite)  I DONT WANT TO LOOK OLD!!! but i do want to feel maturer as you all know that i act like a little boy sometime......  the moodswings...temper... etc....  well if you dont like me....................  then....... think hard and then find a way to like me!!! hahahah  sorry for the bad joke.....  and im not even drunk yet... i didnt even drink!  some tips botox do work on some people..... hee hee to my older friends out there.........


love and peace



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