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back in taiwan.... it was like a dream come true to meet up and talk to andy lau... i had the previllage to meet up with many great performers and singers during my trip in singapore. getting this award will only make me stronger. honestly... i felt so empty the whole of last nite and the whole day today. i guess it was all the red wine and alcohol i had in singapore after the awards. i was happy so happyto see gfc. next album on the way... i must give it all the way.
thank you everybody whom made this award possible for me. i am nothing........

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(318) 人氣()

heheheheh i have new fotos coming in!!!! hehehehe who miss me?

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(60) 人氣()

thanks to everyone! i am thankful to have all your supports... without you i couldnt have done it. this award" most outstanding singer award of the year " is dedicated to all who worked side by side and stood by me during the hard times. i will cherish this award very much but i will cherish you most for always. even if i didnt recieve this award... i still would have worked hard and never give up. this is me. i am gary.

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(173) 人氣()

im in malaysia!! finally i get to have dinner with my whole family... from my schedule... i'll be pretty busy after i return back to taiwan. its been so much fun working with vivi and i hope everybody enjoyed the song i did with her " i still believe " my next target!!! co co lee and ah mei!!! i hope in the future i can have more chances to work with all my idols! so many new artist coming out nowadays.... like i said before... the party has begun! lets enjoy another fresh new hot album!!! (ling ling)x 2 i miss you!!

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(205) 人氣()

god has given me another cat!! ahhah a friend of mine found a lost kitten under a car and then it was given to me! he's so small and so cute... i named him small ling! hahah i guess im very happy with how things are going right now for me. seems like a new chapter is about to begin... more changes to my life and more adventures.. more new music new thoughts and hopefully more new friends... there are great music out there.. the party has finally started... lets enjoy the challenges in the music industry!

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(153) 人氣()


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garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(160) 人氣()

september the 2nd..... what a big concert... infact, there are so many great singers on that day , im actually abit nervous about performing on that night. jay is gonna be there, david tao is gonna be there.... im not so sure whether im ready for a stage like that yet. such a big day for me. but i guess...being a recording artist i have to learn from every performances in order to improve myself. well....lets hope for the best. DONT BE NERVOUS DONT BE NERVOUS...

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(220) 人氣()

thank you very very much japan, tokyo! i had a great time and you guys are so so nice and polite. i really wish i could go again soon... i will learn more japanese so i can communicate without a translator!! hahahahahahah thank you " arigato gozaimasu.......

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(146) 人氣()

thank you to hong kong fan club! i was really surprised to see so many of you guys at all my performances. i hope i can stay longer the next time i go! and then i have to take afew more days off...just to go shopping! hahahah incredible hong kong! it was a great experience...met alot of h.k artists , jordan chan, justin, mark lui, alex.... and many more. i promise i will try my best to include a cantonese song in my next album. lets vote!!! pls leave me a message if you think i should do a cantonese song in my next album..... go go go

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(269) 人氣()

it has been a long and stressful few days..... im tired. im vey tired. but i guess i aint tired enough to quit. many things in my life has suddenly changed. i realised, losing someone you love and trust is hard, but to live happily ever after is even harder. but! we still need to go on. there are more reasons and excuses to stay alive and to be happy. its just that we havent found the readons and purpose yet. i believe the answers are on its way. all i know is, never to give up no matter what happens, treasure life. if you feel hurt and sad about losing a loved one...then be gpood to yourself so others who loves you wont feel the same pain. LOVE YOURSELF MORE SO PEOPLE WHO LOVES YOU WONT BE HURT.

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(259) 人氣()

i want to thank all my friends who came to sam's concert! and also thanks to ken,gin,maki,mushroom,juliya and ting (superstar) i love the presents you all gave me! thank you for reminding me who gary chaw is. i almost forgot about myself and how lucky i am to have all of you guys. i really want to thank everyone for the support. my next album! i will dedicate thae album to you all! lets keep going!!!!!

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(180) 人氣()

new place new enviorement..... new home, new start. gary has be stronger than usual, tougher than usual, and work harder than usual. next week onwards...back to travelling life!! fly fly fly malaysia, hong kong, japan. here i come!!! lately i've been thinking about my future. but ... then i realized, im not not gonna think anymore...im gonna do! so i decided to clear my old stuff and old memories and start as new! brand new beginning for me!

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(129) 人氣()

im in fushan right now...... its been raining everywhere!!! oh .. i want to write a song about " 黄非洪" anybody have any ideas? lyrics? hmm...... hheheeh fushan is a beautiful place, but becos im so tired right now..so i decided to stay at the hotel tonite, saturday nite in fushan. eheheh 曹格 keeeeeeep fighting!!!!!!! next album is gonna be just right...heeheheheh

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(232) 人氣()

thank you to everyone....... i love all the gifts i recieved from you all!! eh... hehehMY GOD IM 27!!!! hahahah im a brand new man with brand new ideas and plans... also a brand new heart! once again i ask myself yesterday.... "what did i do to deserve all this? " " why is my life complete ?"
and " why , why oh why am i still single?!!? "

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(257) 人氣()

today is my birthday... and i spent half the day with alot friends in cash box..and i recieved alot of gifts. i feel really blessed to have you all, my friends, fans, team, recording company... and many many more. may all your wishes for me come true! i wish everyone..happiness hope i can see alot of smiley faces from today onwards... i wish gary chaw happiness.
""""""" ken """"""""""" im so sorry i didnt remember your name. i know it must of hurt you alot. but i promise from now on...i will remember you. i promise. please forgive me.

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(207) 人氣()

oh my god....... brazil OUT!!! ooooooo...... ENGLAND OUT!!!! i guess world cup is meaningless to me now.... i cant believe it! anyways theres always the next world cup/... but i'll be ok. im just going to cry for 2 years and i will forget about the lost! aiya.... why why why??? how how how?? im going to cry myself to sleep tonite... goodnite

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(202) 人氣()

it was a beautiful day today....... but yet, i feel so tired and i just wanna sleep and sleep and sleep. just came back from a meeting and everything is cool. heheheh i wanna watch a movie tonite, but which one?
oh any recommendations? any nice album lately?? recommendations?

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(257) 人氣()

oh oh hi hi everybody..... its been awhile.. im busy song writing at the moment, i will be producing " chuo wen xuen " new album. so im pretty busy writing for her and also writing my next album. i will have a chance to perform on a big stage in july!! july 29th! lets hope we all enjoy that night. and sorry to all my hong kong fans and friends...because my promo tour to h.k has been postponed till august because i have othe places to go... good news tho...my album has been officially released in japan! so i willl probably have to go to japan for a brief promo tour... we are spreading our music to japan! yeah!!!! hahaha but im feeling good at the moment, im getting enough rest and sleep. so wish me luck on my song writing. hope to see you'all soon!!! peace.....

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(176) 人氣()

oh oh hi hi everybody..... its been awhile.. im busy song writing at the moment, i will be producing " chuo wen xuen " new album. so im pretty busy writing for her and also writing my next album. i will have a chance to perform on a big stage in july!! july 29th! lets hope we all enjoy that night. and sorry to all my hong kong fans and friends...because my promo tour to h.k has been postponed till august because i have othe places to go... good news tho...my album has been officially released in japan! so i willl probably have to go to japan for a brief promo tour... we are spreading our music to japan! yeah!!!! hahaha but im feeling good at the moment, im getting enough rest and sleep. so wish me luck on my song writing. hope to see you'all soon!!! peace.....

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(80) 人氣()