
Supermarket MV 全球獨家首播 就在>Gary Facebook專屬頁面

發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2008-01-13 【影音】曹格無辜電影預告CF (1652) (11)
2008-01-11 【活動】曹格Super Sunshine見面會開始報名! (2769) (18)
2008-01-09 【活動】曹格,你是我的Super Sunshine(本活動已結束) (4829) (104)
2008-01-08 【情報】2008年1月18日晚上8點 曹格Super Sunshine活得痛快派對 〝無辜〞音樂電影首映會 (2389) (13)
2008-01-08 Is my mandarin that bad? (15597) (367)
2007-12-31 【影音】Gary跟大家打招呼喔!! (9636) (84)
2007-12-24 【情報】曹格第三張全創作專輯 Super Sunshine (2796) (53)
2007-07-02 walau eh! (3081) (751)
2007-06-25 kick ass (1281) (255)
2007-06-13 第18屆 金曲獎 6/16 17:30 星光大道 小巨蛋 (1100) (307)
2007-06-09 leslie cheung or andy lau....... (4613) (316)
2007-06-05 OH my god... ling ling is.... (920) (295)
2007-06-05 children of the future (616) (157)
2007-05-30 TIME FOR ME TO STOP. (692) (570)
2007-05-28 第18屆金曲獎最受歡迎男女歌手(團體)獎票選活動 (413) (69)
2007-05-28 Gary曹格活動時間 (733) (291)
2007-05-04 ha ha hha (482) (308)
2007-04-24 be careful................ gary is on the loose!!! (551) (247)
2007-04-24 thank you for this beautiful life. and surprise!! gary chaw is behind you!!! (354) (92)
2007-04-22 i have everything. i have everything. (458) (183)
2007-04-20 shanghai fling.... (527) (155)
2007-04-17 happy birthday joanne.... (587) (176)
2007-04-09 you are the best new artist of the year......... (378) (268)
2007-04-05 gathering of love and peace...GFC 1 year old (237) (281)
2007-03-30 ANDY LAU........... im on your side! (376) (232)
2007-03-29 i miss you so much......... (458) (151)
2007-03-27 電台聽到給我的壞評語... (505) (231)
2007-03-26 bad comments about me on the radio .....and i thought............ (279) (220)
2007-03-24 I DECLARE !!!!!!!!!!!! (275) (201)
2007-03-20 im sharing my life with you. will you treasure and remember it ? (336) (399)
2007-03-18 moodswings...... bad bad moodswings (212) (184)
2007-03-18 moodswings...... bad bad moodswings (158) (45)
2007-03-11 real? or trying to real? is gary really gary?? (361) (367)
2007-03-09 find myself (398) (247)
2007-03-09 SUPERMAN 曹格馬來西亞巡迴簽唱會 。宣傳行程 (192) (59)
2007-03-03 QUESTION OF THE DAY...... (338) (241)
2007-03-01 lets enjoy and make a diffrence... (324) (153)
2007-02-26 HAPPY BIRTHDAY G.F.C (640) (154)
2007-02-24 sunshine boy is here! (169) (160)
2007-02-18 Happy new year (178) (139)
2007-02-15 PEACE IS WHAT WE NEED happy new year... (281) (115)
2007-02-15 【情報】滾石過新年!強打超級男聲[gary曹格]=密切鎖定= (141) (24)
2007-02-15 best wish to you* (234) (34)
2007-02-15 <喜心格面改版簽唱簽名會最終回 (160) (49)
2007-02-13 WHAT A BIG GIFT! (335) (69)
2007-02-11 i am number.1.... its because you are number.1.......... happy valentines... (199) (57)
2007-02-05 【情報】曹格[superman]=喜心格面浪漫版= (143) (85)
2007-02-05 過年前的最終活動 (123) (49)
2007-02-02 注意保暖 (373) (51)
2007-02-01 就是明天!pm1:00 玫瑰唱片忠孝店一日店長! (171) (35)