from the bottom of my heart.... thank you all... i wish i can stay longer in taiwan and promote the album..but i also made a promise to my fan club in mainland china and h.k and singapore and malaysia....so i have to keep my promise...i know you'll all understand right?!?! heheheh anyways this message is specially written for the taiwan base fan/friends.... the album made no.1 in the chart this week... but honestly, it aint because of me. YOU ARE NO.1 AND THATS WHY IM NO.1 without all of you guys, i really dont know where i would be. life is funny, ups and downs , happy and sadness, hopes and dissappoinment, but in the end...we know we have eachother. wish everyone!!!! HAPPY VALENTINES AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! SPREAD MUSIC SPREAD LOVE, MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE. PEACE.......