by now im sure many of you know about my dearest cat " ling ling " .. well i just realised and also re confirmed.... that ling ling aint a female!!!!! ling ling is a " boy "!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! i always treat her,, i mean him as a princess!!! but today i really found out that he is definately a BOY!! oh gosh!!! i dont even know whether i should cry or laugh!! but one thing i know, is that i will love him the same!!! my handsome " ling ling "..... but damn!!!! what a surprise huh?!! i swear this is no joke ok!!!!! ling ling has been pissing all around the house, and i thought it was weird, then i finally realised that becos hes in heat and as a male, they leave piss to mark their space...... that explains why he pissed and shit on my bed !!!!
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- Jun 05 Tue 2007 21:38
OH my god... ling ling is....