
Supermarket MV 全球獨家首播 就在>Gary Facebook專屬頁面

10/7 南投暨南大學 1830活動開始


10/15 台北德霖校園

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(39) 人氣()

all of a sudden i feel an emptiness in my heart, feels like its raining in my heart.  i guess its just one of those days when gary gets moody... i just pray that on sunday  i wake up with a great  mood....  hmm... im starting to ask myself, where am i going to be in 5 yrs time.....  then i realised, i still dont have an answer to that question. all i know is if i work hard and be true to myself.... i think i will live a long healthy life.but then again..... what is living?  have a job, earn money, buy a car, buy a house, fall in love, get married, have some kids, grow old, then die. ? is that living? i wouldnt have a clue.  do you?

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(117) 人氣()


這次雪碧榜 GARY得了

(好多麥牌呀!!!!!! 感謝各地媒體lo........)

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(28) 人氣()

3月 9日  5pm  簽唱會 - 金河廣場大廳

3月10日  5pm  988 電台户外直播訪問 - 金河廣場門口

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(23) 人氣()

well............ its been so long since i left a message. i just wanna say that im so happy that we've stucked together throughout the years regardless of the damn news surrounding us. good news , bad news.... it didnt change us...did it? hahaha not for me! 

i have learnt alot through the past few months and im sure you understand me more than ever before now. i have opened up alot and im happy that you have accepted my good and bad habits. i thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

everytime i get alittle spare time....i drink and write...and lately i have writtten a couple of good songs. expression through music is the best way i know how. things will change for the better... i have faith in myself, you and the world. tho there are many obstacles in our way but im sure there are alot of people behind and supporting me. 

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(176) 人氣()



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garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(28) 人氣()


星期六PM 100高雄三多光南 (簽名會)
2/16星期六PM 150鳳山大眾(簽名會)
2/16星期六PM 300岡山五大(簽名會)

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(58) 人氣()

Gary曹格『Super Sunshine』2/11-2/17活動曝光時間

2000-2130 如虹音樂會 (live)

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()

鼠年來了 ! gary 要跟大家拜拜年 說說話 ^_____________^

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(59) 人氣()