you were my superwoman...... hmm...... NOW !!! i wanna be your S U P E R M A N !!!! HEHEHE its great to sing nbew songs nowadays.. and i am very very honoured to know that i still have you' all supporting me. supporting the way i sing... the way i write...they way i think...and for accepting me for who i really am. this album is dedicated to all who believes in hard work, love, friendship, family, heart, and music. i also wanna dedicate this album " superman " to my beloved grandparents.... i know i will make you proud, i'll see you soon! december 27 ... 7:21 pm.... be ready for .... S U P E R M A N... MY NEW WORK! spread music....spread love. peace....
Supermarket MV 全球獨家首播 就在>Gary Facebook專屬頁面
- Dec 25 Mon 2006 19:09
can i be your .... s u p e r m a n..? hee hee