wooooo.... i thought i would have more time to write and work on my next album...but.... still so busy in taiwan performing at schools... but nevermind. i will find time to finish up my next album, no worries. hahah by the way...i love football and im so happy to be able to watch world cup " whenever i get the time to..." i realised nowadays when i walk on the street of taipei..i get people staring at me and some would even come up to me to ask for a foto or a autograph. it is such an encouragement for me! hehehe so if you see me on the street..dont be afraid to approach me ok? hahah cause it makes me feel good. hahaha i;ve got more work then ever... though its tiring but its all worth it. i know i have your support. hahah by the way lin lin is getting bigger and bigger! hahah so happy to see her healthy! ok im going to have a drink of wine now. see ya'll soon!!! muah!
Supermarket MV 全球獨家首播 就在>Gary Facebook專屬頁面
- Jun 12 Mon 2006 01:58
hee hee hee