thank you everybody for your support!! i really really appreciate it...but... do understand that my company " rock records " has been really really good to me. they belived in me when nobody else did. they gave me a chance to release this album, YOU should thank " rock records " dont be angry with them. rock records and i worked really really hard on this album and we tried our best. we promise to work harder. so... dont blame anybody, we should work as a team. if you love me my music then please support rock record. because I DO. i support rock record! so please join me and work together to spread our music and love. thank you so so so much to all my fans and to rock records.
gary chaw
Supermarket MV 全球獨家首播 就在>Gary Facebook專屬頁面
- Apr 05 Wed 2006 22:47
we are family...