
Supermarket MV 全球獨家首播 就在>Gary Facebook專屬頁面


1/29(一) 17-18g台娛樂新聞大來賓(live)

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(70) 人氣()

headache...headache and more headache..... i dont wanna think too much about my future...but i guess my future has caught up with me. i see great possibilities...great chances and moments... but....will i take it?! or should i just stay as i am.? i must admit that im abit confused about my situation. but confusions cant stop me!nobody can stop me from doing what i wanna do! but i want to do the right thing. i guess i'll just wait and see how i feel tomorrow... lets pray for wei lun...send our angels to her...

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(147) 人氣()

大家要鎖定囉 ~~~~~~~~這次的MV很特別

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(68) 人氣()

today is off day for me.... i was suppose to go to shanghai, but the trip was cancelled so i guess im on a holiday today...but hen i realised.... that i still owe alot of people songs... so now im at the workshop.. doing some song writting. im gonna be abit more busy soon getting ready for the mini concert on the 3rd of february.. i hope i can make a memoriable nite for everyone. as im really looking forward to it. love is a wonderful thing...friendship is a wonderful thing and falling is love is what i desire..... spread love spread music...

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(107) 人氣()

進場方法 公告

pm1:30-3:00   發放曹格 Superman  VIP PASS(精裝版內附之VIP PASS) 號碼牌(為了公平起見,限在時間內領取,否則將喪失VIP PASS優先進場之權利,每人限拿一張號碼牌)

pm3:00-4:00   發放持有卓文萱+元若藍+易桀齊專輯號碼牌( 每人限拿一張號碼牌,皆依牌對順序領取發完為止)

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(79) 人氣()


garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(16) 人氣()

各位親愛的歌迷大家好,為了回饋熱情的曹迷跟手上有VIP 鍊牌的歌迷朋友
備註: 已可確認持有鍊牌歌迷不用攜帶大碟進場)

尋找3721歌迷快回來喔(有好康等妳喔 )

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(41) 人氣()

1/19(五)18:00-19:00 八大粉絲聽證會(之前PO過)
1/20(六)22:00 中視我猜我猜(之前PO過)
1/22(一)22:00-23:00 V台我愛黑澀會
1/25(四)12:00,17:00,21:00 MTV我問大明星

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(38) 人氣()

2007 大四喜 紅樓演唱會
二月三日/星期六 正式開唱 

第一圈 4 – 6pm (3點進場)

東風 – 超萌少女 元若藍

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(42) 人氣()

oh my god.... i am so busy..... hahah but its all worth its because i know alot of people are supporting me and my music... honestly i have to say, without my supporters i would not be able to release this superman album. my inspiration comes from you all! also i wanna thank all who attended my shows and remember i have a mini party concert with my other friends in " hung lou " in ximen...hopefully we'll have a perfect and happy nite!!! whoooo....hooo....... peace.... spread music, spread love!

garyblue 發表在 痞客邦 留言(131) 人氣()